These are my own notes that I use when teaching classes about dream research. They may be of use to those looking for some general information about Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung's ideas on dreams.
| Freud | Jung |
What is "basic reality"? | physiology, especially libidinal organization | the psyche, especially archetypes |
Origins of conflict | clash of instincts | ignoring part of the psyche |
Developmental emphasis | childhood (psychosexual development) | adulthood (self archetype) |
Aim of life | tension reduction | individuation and transcendence |
Scope of the unconscious | personal unconscious | collective unconscious (all human kind) |
Origins of the unconscious | anxiety caused by clash of instincts | repeated experiences of the species |
Key contents of the unconscious | repressed wishes and fears | archetypes |
Nature of dreams | disguised attempts at wish fulfillment; contain return of the repressed | attempt to express undeveloped parts of psyche, especially archetypes |
Function of dreams | to preserve sleep | compensation for waking attitudes and personality |
Mechanism of dream formation | dream-work | symbolization |
Function of symbols | disguise | express |
Methods of dream interpretation | free association, symbol interpretation | amplification, active imagination, dream series method, symbol interpretation |