Age _________________ Gender ______________ MOST RECENT DREAM Date Today __________ We would like you to write down the last dream you remember having, whether it was last night, last month, or last year. But first please tell us the date this dream occurred: __________________. Then tell us what time of day you think you recalled it: __________________. Then tell us where you were when you recalled it: ___________________________________________. Please describe the dream exactly and as fully as you remember it. Your report should contain, whenever possible: a description of the setting of the dream, whether it was familiar to you or not; a description of the people, their age, sex, and relationship to you; and any animals that appeared in the dream. If possible, describe your feelings during the dream and whether it was pleasant or unpleasant. Be sure to tell exactly what happened during the dream to you and the other characters. Continue your report on the other side and on additional sheets if necessary.